Be Happy: Happy as You Want to Be

Happy as You Want to Be

Almost everyone have heard the hit single 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin. The song has a very catchy way of conveying its message of being happy to everyone. Bobby Mcferiin's simple message surely made a lot of people by telling them not to worry.

Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your health. Being happy actually protects you from the stresses of life. Stress is linked to top causes of death such as heart disease, cancer and stroke. 

One of the better things ever said is - 'The only thing in life that will always remain the same is change', and in our life we have the power to make the necessary changes if we want to. Even if we find ourselves in an unbearable situation we can always find solace in the knowledge that it too would change. 

Social networks or relationships are essential to happiness. People are different, accept people for who or what they are, avoid clashes, constant arguments, and let go of all kinds of resentments. If arguments seem unavoidable still try and make an effort to understand the situation and you might just get along with well with 

Happiness is actually found in everyone, increasing it is a way to make a life more wonderful and also more healthy.

To be happy is relatively easy, just decide to be a happy person. Abraham Lincoln observed that most people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be. The choice is simple really, choose to be happy. 

There are several ways by which you can do this.
Being grateful is a great attitude.  We have so much to be thankful for. Thank the taxi driver for bringing you home safely, thank the cook for a wonderful dinner and thank the guy who cleans your windows. Also thank the mailman for bringing you your mails, thank the policeman for making your place safe and thank God for being alive.

News is stressful. Get less of it. Some people just can't start their day without their daily dose of news. Try and think about it, 99% of the news we hear or read is bad news. Starting the day with bad news does not seem to be a sensible thing to do.

A religious connection is also recommended. Being part of a religious group with its singing, sacraments, chanting, prayers and meditations foster inner peace. 

Manage your time. Time is invaluable and too important to waste. Time management can be viewed  as a list of rules that involves scheduling, setting goals, planning, creating lists of things to do and prioritizing. These are the core basics of time management that should be understood to develop an efficient personal time management skill. These basic skills can be fine tuned further to include the finer points of each skill that can give you that extra reserve to make the results you desire. 

Laugh and laugh heartily everyday.  Heard a good joke? Tell your friends or family about it. As they also say -'Laughter is the best medicine'.
Express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around you. They will most likely reciprocate your actions. Try not to keep pent up anger of frustrations, this is bad for your health. Instead find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to anyone.
Working hard brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives a feeling of being competent in finishing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary for all of us, they give us a sense of value. Work on things that you feel worthy of your time.

Learning is a joyful exercise. Try and learn something new everyday.  Learning also makes us expand and broaden our horizons. And could also give us more opportunities in the future. 

Run, jog, walk and do other things that your body was made for. Feel alive.

Avoid exposure to negative elements like loud noises, toxins and hazardous places.

These are the few simple things you can do everyday to be happy. 

And always remember the quote from Abraham Lincoln, he says that, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Diet and your health

Diet and your health

In recent years, we have heard more and more about how our diet affect our health , especially in relation to the production of cancers. Research has shown that our diet contains an enormous variety of natural mutagens and carcinogens. It is also apparent that we are ingesting vastly greater qualities of these substances than was previously suspected. Perhaps this natural chemical product should be primary concern rather than the mutagenicity of industrial chemicals, food additives and pollutants in our environment. For example, in 1989 the United States had a big publicity –generated scare concerning the plant growth regulator Alar, which is used to delay ripening of apples so that they do not drop prematurely. Alar was said to be carcinogenic, but when put in perspective with chemicals in our daily diets , it does not to be so bad. For instance, the hydrazines in a helping of mushrooms are 60 times more carcinogenic than the Alar consumed in a glass of apple juice or 20 times greater than a daily peanut butter sandwich, which frequently contains aflatoxin B. Our diets contain literally millions of natural chemicals; intact it is not practical to test them all for carcinogenicity.

Animal tests and the and the Ames test have been used to evaluate cooked foods for their potential for inducing cancers; and it has been found that browed sugars or breads contains a variety of mutagens. In addition, caffeine and its close relative theobromine found in coffee, tea, cocoa, and some soft drinks may increase the risk of tumors by inhibiting DNA repair enzymes. Plants synthesize many carcinogenic or teratogenic chemicals as delense mechanism to ward off the animals that want to consume them. Examples of plants plant carcinogens include psoralen and its derivatives, which are widespread in plants and have been used as sunscreen in France; solanine and chaconine are teratogens and are found in greened potatoes. Other food that contains natural cicargens includes banana, basil, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, horseradish, mustard turnips, and black pepper. In addition, red wines are believed to be responsible for the high incidence of stomach cancers among the French people, although red wine also seems to decrease the incidence of coronary heart disease. It seems that nothing can be consumed that does not contain mutagen!

Another big problem with American diet is the consumption of excess quantities of fats. The average American consumes 40% of her/ his calories in the form of fat. Comparisons of cancer death rates in different national populations have provided important clues to the nutrational causes of cancer.  Very different types of cancers appear in the United States than appear in Japan. In United States, colon, breast, and prostate cancer are most prevalent, whereas stomach cancers are in excess in Japan.  When the amount of dietary fat intake is plotted against the number of death by breast cancer, the results are striking; the more fat in the diet, the more higher the rate of breast cancer. How might fat intake cause cancer? It may be caused by rancid fat because it represents a sizable percentage of the fat are very prone to oxidation, which produces a variety of carcinogenic compounds. Another likely explanation is that may carcinogens are soluble in fats and accumulate in the fat of the animals we eat.

In recent years, we have heard more and more about how our diet affect our health , especially in relation to the production of cancers. Research has shown that our diet contains an enormous variety of natural mutagens and carcinogens. It is also apparent that we are ingesting vastly greater qualities of these substances than was previously suspected. Perhaps this natural chemical product should be primary concern rather than the mutagenicity of industrial chemicals, food additives and pollutants in our environment.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is an ancient hindu system of working with the human nervous system. Because it releases tension and endows one with renewed energy, far too many 20th century people, yoga teachers included, have come to look upon the venerable Indian physical science as solely an exercise for health and vitality of mind and body. It is that, but it is also much more. Hatha yoga practices are more spiritual than physical, more subtle than gross, more a means of understanding than an exotic way to relieve stress or limber up the body.

The sages who developed hatha yoga designed it as a way to gain conscious control of our life energies, a way to go within, to harmonize the external so the innermost Self could be encountered. To them, it was about states of consciousness, about living a divine life, and it was a preparation for meditation.

As you perform the asanas, concentrate on feeling the energies within the nerve currents. Sensitize yourself to knowing when the body has been in each position long enough to tune the nerve currents involved. Then shift smoothly into the next asana. It's like a dance, a deliberate, fluid dance. During all postures, inhale using the diaphragm, not the chest muscles. Do not stretch unduly or force the body. Relax into the poses. Don't worry if you can't perform them all perfectly. In time, you will find the body becoming more flexible and supple. Free the mind of thoughts and tensions. You will be more aware, more alive, more serene.

While there are many more complex hatha yoga routines, these twenty-four asanas provide a balanced system for daily use. For the simple purpose of quieting the mind in preparation for meditation, this is all you will ever need. For best results, hatha yoga should be taught personally by a qualified teacher. These instructions and drawings are meant only as a rudimentary aid. For more elaborate regimens, inquire at a recognized school specializing in hatha yoga.

The scene of hatha yoga has a spiritual purpose - to balance physical and physic energies in preparation for meditation. It is not only meant to make us young, beautiful or creative, but to aid us in quieting the mind, body and emotions that we may awaken enlightened consciousness & know the Self within.

Unleash your creative thinking

Creative Notions

People seem to have the misconception that only a select few are able to unleash a steady flow of creative genius. That is not true at all. The fact is, creativity is very much like a muscle that needs to be exercised in order to consistently give out great results. If you don't practice harnessing creative thinking, this skill will very much atrophy into inexistence. But keep working and this skill will soon come to you in a snap.

So how do you unleash your creative thinking? Well, the first thing is to become a human leech. No, we're not talking about just sucking the blood out of every living being available, we're saying that you should take in as much knowledge and learning you can find. Read everything available -- good and bad, and keep your mind open to the infinite possibilities of the universe. The more you know, the more you'll want to know, and the more your faculty of wonder will be exercised. Prepare to be amazed at little facts that add a bit of color into your life.  

Focus on a creative activity everyday. Yes, it's an effort. Even doodling is a creative activity. Don't let anything hinder you. Mindlessness may be a creative activity, but for people who are just starting out to unleash a little bit of creative thinking in their lives, it is helpful and encouraging to have concrete evidence, that, "hey, what I'm doing is getting somewhere." So why don't you try it. Practice drawing for a couple of minutes each day. Bring out your old camera and start snapping photos like crazy. Keep a journal and make a point to write in it religiously. Another cool idea is to write by describing something with your five senses. Try to avoid vague adjectives like "marvelous," "amazing," and "delicious." Before you know it, you'll have built yourself a tiny portfolio, and you'll be amazed at the growth you've undertaken after amassing all those works of art. Who knows, you might actually take to liking those things you do everyday. Pretty soon those things will become a part of you and you'll be addicted to these creative exercises.

Think out of the box -- or don't. Sometimes, constraints are actually a good thing. Limitations discipline you to work within your means. It enables you to be more resourceful. Creative freedom is great, but limitations enforce discipline.

Try something new everyday and let your experiences broaden your perspective. Explore a new district in your neighborhood. Spend an afternoon in a museum to which you've never been before. Chat up someone on the bus. Open up to the people around you. As you thrust yourself out of your comfort zone more and more each day, your sense of adventure grows and so does your zest for life. Think about it. When was the last time you did something for the first time? If it's been a while, I tell you, you've been missing out on a whole lot of experiences that could've added to your growth, emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually. Why don't you try bungee jumping today? Not only will you learn, but you will also have plenty of stories to share, enabling you to practice your storytelling skills and making you the life of the party. 

Embrace insanity. No, not to the point of practically admitting yourself into the mental ward. As John Russell once said, "Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting." Exactly! Every creative thought was once deemed insanity by other "normal" people at one time or another. Luckily, that didn't stop the creative geniuses from standing by them. The thing is, sanity or being normal confines people to think... well, normally. Withink limits. Creativity is essentially breaking through barriers. Yes, this includes the bizzarre and the downright strange. I'm not saying that you yourself should develop a creative personality. That might go haywire. An example of a creative personality would be George Washington, who often rode into battle naked, or James Joyce, who wrote "Dubliners" with beetle juice for an intense fear of ink, or Albert Einstein, who thought his cat was a spy sent by his rival (or in thinking creatively in this case, the term could probably be "archnemesis.") It's important that your creativity doesn't get you detached from the real world completely. 

I hope this article has inspired you to start thinking beyond your "limits." If you follow these steps pretty soon you'll be living a life full of interesting adventures. Unleashing your creative thinking  will bring about a new zest for living life. 



So how do you stay calm, composed and maintain self esteem in a tough environment? Here are some tips you may to consider as a starter guide to self improvement.

Imagine yourself as a Dart Board. Everything and everyone else around you may become Dart Pins, at one point or another. These dart pins will destroy your self esteem and pull you down in ways you won’t even remember. Don’t let them destroy you, or get the best of you.  So which dart pins should you avoid?

Dart Pin #1 : Negative Work Environment
Beware of “dog eat dog” theory where everyone else is fighting just to get ahead. This is where non-appreciative people usually thrive. No one will appreciate your contributions even if you miss lunch and dinner, and stay up late. Most of the time you get to work too much without getting help from people concerned.  Stay out of this, it will ruin your self esteem. Competition is at stake anywhere. Be healthy enough to compete, but in a healthy competition that is. 

Dart Pin #2: Other People’s Behavior
Bulldozers, brown nosers, gossipmongers, whiners, backstabbers, snipers, people walking wounded, controllers, naggers, complainers, exploders, patronizers, sluffers… all these kinds of people will pose bad vibes for your self esteem, as well as to your self improvement scheme. 

Dart Pin #3: Changing Environment
You can’t be a green bug on a brown field. Changes challenge our paradigms. It tests our flexibility, adaptability and alters the way we think. Changes will make life difficult for awhile, it may cause stress but it will help us find ways to improve our selves. Change will be there forever, we must be susceptible to it. 

Dart Pin #4: Past Experience
It’s okay to cry and say “ouch!” when we experience pain. But don’t let pain transform itself into fear. It might grab you by the tail and swing you around. Treat each failure and mistake as a lesson. 

Dart Pin #5: Negative World View
Look at what you’re looking at. Don’t wrap yourself up with all the negativities of the world. In building self esteem, we must learn how to make the best out of worst situations.

Dart Pin #6: Determination Theory
The way you are and your behavioral traits is said to be a mixed end product of your inherited traits (genetics), your upbringing (psychic), and your environmental surroundings such as your spouse, the company, the economy or your circle of friends. You have your own identity. If your father is a failure, it doesn’t mean you have to be a failure too. Learn from other people’s experience, so you’ll never have to encounter the same mistakes. 

Sometimes, you may want to wonder if some people are born leaders or positive thinkers. NO. Being positive, and staying positive is a choice. Building self esteem and drawing lines for self improvement is a choice, not a rule or a talent. God wouldn’t come down from heaven and tell you – “George, you may now have the permission to build self esteem and improve your self.”   

In life, its hard to stay tough specially when things and people around you keep pulling you down. When we get to the battle field, we should choose the right luggage to bring and armors to use, and pick those that are bullet proof. Life’s options give us arrays of more options. Along the battle, we will get hit and bruised. And wearing a bullet proof armor ideally means ‘self change’. The kind of change which comes from within. Voluntarily. Armor or Self Change  changes 3 things: our attitude, our behavior and our way of thinking.

Building self esteem will eventually lead to self improvement if we start to become responsible for who we are, what we have and what we do. Its like a flame that should gradually spread like a brush fire from inside and out. When we develop self esteem, we take control of our mission, values and discipline.  Self esteem brings about self improvement, true assessment, and determination. So how do you start putting up the building blocks of self esteem? Be positive. Be contented and happy. Be appreciative. Never miss an opportunity to compliment. A positive way of living will help you build self esteem, your starter guide to self improvement.

Guidelines in Finding A Fitness Club

Guidelines in Finding A Fitness Club

You would like to join a fitness club but there are so many choices! And then you will just end up having a headache! Fitness clubs are effective motivators. They should motivate us and not frustrate us. Before you choose on a fitness club, make sure that it suits your needs and goals. And before you do that, you should first learn and decide on what is your priority. By then, you will know what you really need in a fitness club. Here are some guidelines you can consider in choosing a fitness club that is best for you:

1. Where is it located?

The location is the first thing that you should consider when finding a fitness club. If the club is far from your home, you will just another excuse not to work out. It is best to find a facility that is near your home.

2. Are the employees friendly and nice? Will they be able to help you reach your goals?

Make sure that the instructor has the necessary experience to work with you. The instructor should be a certified professional that can work with you safely and effectively. Your instructor should also know if you have physical limitations or you may find an instructor that is well trained to work with you. You can also check the age of the instructor especially if it is one factor for your motivation and learning. The staff should also be helpful, friendly and professional. You can also ask the services they offer and find what is important for you. Some facilities have their own dietician and physical therapists that can offer services for you.

3. What kind of programs does it offer? 

Find time to see what programs are there for you and check if they suit your interests. Do they offer group classes? Choose the facility that offers the classes you really like. You can do a trial class to check it out if you want.

4. Are the facilities and equipments good and will they be available anytime that is most convenient for you?

Check if the equipments are enough for all members. Otherwise, you will waste your time falling in line and waiting for your turn. Also make sure that the facility is open during the time you are most likely to do work outs and exercises.

5. Is the entire facility well maintained, clean and safe for you?

Machines and other training facilities should be in clean and in good order. If you see a lot of "out of order" signs, it could be something to think about. Modern equipments are safer and more comfortable to use, so you may also want to consider that. Are the floors cleaned regularly to avoid accidents? Is there enough room for everyone? Also check if the facility is located in a place away from danger, consider also if the location is well lit.

6. Are the members of the club friendly and can they be your friends?

The fitness club is also a venue for social interaction. Take time to drop by and meet the members of the club before you enroll. Other members can be your buddies in the near future and should be considered.

7. What is the schedule of classes and will they be convenient for you?

Find out what classes are offered at a specific time and consider if you will be available at the schedules given. 

8. How much would it cost you?

It is important to know the monthly membership fee and what it covers. Some fitness clubs have hidden charges and you should be keen in checking that. Check if they have promotions or discounts and do they offer services at an extra fee. It is also important to know how long the club has been and how often they increase rates.

9. How is it different from other fitness clubs? 

Don't just stick into one fitness club. Try to visit as many facilities as you can and make a comparison. Then you can just narrow down your choices to the facilities that met your needs and priorities.

10. What do people say about it? Take your time to gather feedback from other members. Ask them what they can say about the club and let them tell you about the experiences with the facility.

Choosing a fitness club is just like shopping on the best shirt for you. Do not be pressured and do not try to contact them right away. You can take your time to review and gather enough information if you are still not sure which one to choose. Once you have made your choice, enjoy and make the most out of it. 

Beauty and Fitness

Beauty and Fitness

Health is wealth. By being physically fit, it can make a person look lean both inside and out. 

There is a lot a person can do such jogging or walking  in the morning, playing basketball or any other sport with friends but if a person wants to have muscles and look lean, the best thing to do will be to sign up and workout in a gym. 

Just like taking any medicine, one should first consult the doctor before undergoing any form of exercise.

Physical exercise is beneficial because it helps maintain and improve ones health from a variety of diseases and premature death.  It also makes a person feel happier and increases ones self esteem preventing one from falling into depression or anxiety. It has also shown to make a person with an active lifestyle live longer than a person who doesn’t.

The best exercise plan should have cardiovascular and weight training exercises. This helps burn calories and increase the muscle to fat ratio that will increase ones metabolism and make one either gain or lose weight. 

A person who has never worked out before should do it gradually. Doing it too much for the first time can make one pull a muscle or have an injury making it worse. Endurance will never be built in a day and doing it repeatedly will surely be good to the person.

Focusing on certain portion in the body can help make it improve. A good example is going to the gym and doing a workout more often in a specific area such as the abs can give one a chest pack. 

But beauty is not only about having muscles which is what people can see. It is also about enhancing the beauty within. 

Here are some things one can do everyday to stay beautiful and healthy; 

· Reading books and other reading material more often keeps the mind sharp just like working out keeps the body in shape.

· Work no matter what kind it is produces stress. One can reduce this by taking the time out to do something special like lying in a hot tub, shopping or watching a movie. Studies have shown it is reliever and helps one from looking haggardly.

· Pollution is something people cannot control given the size of the problem. When one goes out, it is best to put some form of protection such as beauty products that contain antioxidants that protect the skin from damage. There are also other beauty products available and choosing the right one with the help of a dermatologist can help the person.

· Another way to stay healthy is to give up some vices. Most people smoke and drink. Smoking has been proven to cause lung cancer and other diseases as well complications for women giving birth. Excessive drinking has also shown to do the same. 

· For people who don’t smoke, it is best to stay away from people who do since studies have shown that nonsmokers are also at risk of developing cancer due to secondary smoke inhalation.

· Lastly, it is best to always start the day with a positive outlook. Just as studies have shown that exercise makes a person feel happier, smiling produces the same effect. A smile can do a lot and it is contagious in a positive sense. It brightens the day of not only one but others as well.

Chicago Teeth Whitening Methods: Why Everyone has that Smile on Their Faces

Chicago Teeth Whitening Methods: Why Everyone has that Smile on Their Faces

Many people in Chicago are getting confused about which products are more effective when it comes to whitening their teeth. This because of the number of them already exists. 

Advertisements about these products can confuse people all the more. All of them are saying that they are the best whitening solution. Many people are enticed by what they are saying that they end up buying brands that are not suited to them.

Do all these products really work? 

Some people can attest to the fact that their teeth were made whiter by the products that they use. On the other hand, there are those that say none works for them. Whatever their individual views are, only one thing is certain; if you have found the whitening product that suits you and is using that regularly for some time, there is a bigger possibility that it will work. 

What are the causes of teeth discoloration?

Drinking coffee and tea are known to dull the color of your teeth. This is if you are a constant drinker of these for a period of time. 

Additional factors that contribute to teeth discoloration are caffeinated sodas, smoking and tooth injury. The most common and accepted cause is age. No matter how well you clean your teeth, it will eventually become dull as you age. 

What are some methods of teeth whitening that people in Chicago can use?

1. Toothpastes with active teeth whitening ingredients. 

For removing stains caused by foods you eat, whitening toothpastes are the best option. Toothpastes consist of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. These are the important ingredients for whitening the teeth. 

Gradual discoloration of teeth can be prevented if you constantly brush your teeth. Not only that, you will be free from germs and plaque that can also cause other tooth problems.  

2. Teeth bleaching and whitening formulas.

Teeth whitening and bleaching products have the same ingredients that present in toothpastes. The only difference is that the level of hydrogen peroxide is higher. Teeth whitening has 10-16 percent hydrogen peroxide content while bleaching products have 35 percent.  

There are a lot of teeth whitening products you can buy from drug stores and groceries. If you want to find out which one is best for you, you can try different products and see which will suit you best. You will find that they are generally cheap.

Teeth bleaching are done by dental professionals. Because of the use of higher amount of hydrogen peroxide, this method should be taken with caution. 

It is best to consult with your dentist first if you want to have your teeth bleached. They will be able to give you advice on how best to proceed with this method.

3. Veneers.

This is one of the best known method whitening teeth permanently. Veneers are made from porcelain. These porcelains are affixed to the tooth. 

The process can be very expensive. It normally costs around $900 for every tooth. This is the reason why not all people can afford this method. Those who do are those that are intent on permanently having whiter teeth in the fastest time. 

Today, it is not difficult to have super shiny and super white teeth. You only need to choose the best method that you think will suit you and your budget. Then you can start looking for the best teeth whitening method in all of Chicago.  



A key ingredient to improving your lifestyle and living a healthy life is antioxidants.  There are several antioxidant supplements out there that can help you live a healthy life, that are natural and won’t cause you any damage.  You can also eat different types of food that contain antioxidants as well, although supplements are the ideal way to get the right amounts of antioxidants.

If you take in more antioxidants through food and supplements, there are a few benefits that you’ll have, with the first being cell protection.  Antioxidants can help to protect your cells from damage, which helps to fend off diseases.  Many times, you can have a lack of vitamins in your body, which will cause you to recover from diseases or injury very slow.  If you have the right amount of vitamins and antioxidants in your body, you’ll notice the differences.

In most cases, you can get antioxidant supplements in the form of herbal or natural, which will greatly help your body.  They have a lot of benefits as well, such as preventing various diseases, keeping blood clotting under control, and restoring libido.  Nutrition and proper dieting is a very important part of life, therefore you should always keep your health under control and make sure you eat well.

There are non synthetic supplements out there as well, that are ideal for keeping your health maintained.  They can be easily absorbed by your body, unlike that of synthetic supplements.  Synthetic supplements are well known for their absorbing, as it can take a long time before you see any type of results.  Non synthetic on the other hand, gives you almost immediate results, as they are easily absorbed by the body and don’t have any type of side effects.

Keep in mind that even though you may be taking vitamins that contain antioxidants, you’ll still need to remain on a healthy diet.  You’ll need food that contains the minerals and vitamins you need as well, although the supplement vitamins will give you more.  You can also use vitamins and supplements that contain antioxidants if you aren’t able to eat the right foods that contain these precious nutrients.

For more reasons than one, you should always make sure that you include foods and supplements that contain antioxidants in your diet.  If you aren’t taking in the right amount of antioxidants, you’ll be at a risk for disease or other harmful effects.  Antioxidants do a lot for your body, which is why you want to ensure that you are taking in the right amounts.  You can find many different vitamins and supplements that include them, all you need to do is make sure that you are eating right and doing all you can to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Herbal skin care

Herbal skin care

Skin care is not a topic of recent times; it has been in practice since ancient times, when herbal skin care was probably the only way to take care of skin. However, skin care has transformed in a big way. Herbal skin care routines have been replaced by synthetic/chemical-based skin care routines. The herbal skin care recipes which once used to be common place are not so popular today (and even unknown to a large population). This transformation from herbal skin care to synthetic, can probably be attributed to two things – our laziness (or just the fast pace of lives) and the commercialisation of skin care. Even herbal skin care products have been commercialised. These commercial herbal skin care products have to be mixed with preservatives in order to increase their shelf-life, hence making them less effective than the fresh ones made at home. However, it seems that things are changing fast and more people are now opting for natural and herbal skin care routines. But still, none want to make them at home and hence the commercial market of herbal skin care products is on the rise.

So what are these herbs or herbal skin care mechanisms?

Aloe vera, which is an extract from Aloe plant, is one of the best examples of herbal skin care product. Freshly extracted aloe vera is a natural hydrant that helps in soothing skin. It also helps in healing cuts and treating sun burns.  

A number of herbs are known to possess cleansing properties. Dandelion, chamomile, lime flowers and rosemary herbs, are a few examples of such cleansers. Their herbal skin care properties get invoked when they are combined with other herbs like tea. 

Antiseptics are another important part of Herbal skin care. Lavender, marigold, thyme and fennel are good examples of herbs that are known to possess antiseptic properties. Lavender water and rose water also form good toners.  

Tea plays an important part in herbal skin care.  Tea extracts are used for treatment of skin that has been damaged by UV radiation. 

Oils prepared from herbal extracts present another means of herbal skin care.  Tea tree oil, Lavender oil, borage oil and primrose oil are some popular oils used in herbal skin care.  Some fruit oils (e.g. extracts from fruits like banana, apple and melon) find use in shower gels (as a hydrating mix)

Homeopathic treatments and aromatherapies also come under the umbrella of herbal skin care remedies. 

Herbal skin care is good not only for the routine nourishing of skin but also for treatment of skin disorders like eczema and psorasis. Most herbal skin care products don’t have any side effects (the most important reason for preferring them over synthetic products) Moreover, herbal skin care products can be easily made at home, hence making them even more attractive. So, herbal skin care is the way to go. However, this does not mean that you totally discard the synthetic products. Some people go to the extent of debating with their dermatologist, if he/she suggests a synthetic product. You should accept the fact that some skin orders might need usage of clinically proven non-herbal skin care products. 

Breastfeeding While Pregnant

Breastfeeding While Pregnant

Being pregnant doesn’t mean you have to stop breastfeeding your child. Long ago doctors believed it actually took nutrients away from the baby inside you, however that is not the case. Even today we have people that believe this and they will argue with you the entire time.  Only you can decide if you should stop breastfeeding your toddler or not. Don’t let someone else make that decision for you. 

Reasons to Stop
A few reasons you might want to stop breastfeeding may be if you are feeling constantly drained of energy. Or maybe your child has started to bite. Sometimes your milk will just dry up, this is your body’s way of telling you that it has had enough and to take a break.  Mastitis could play a big role in making you stop immediately as well. Mastitis is an infection in the breast when it isn’t expressed enough and gets engorged. 

Stopping or Weaning
If you do plan on stopping because you are pregnant, make sure it is for the right reasons. If your child has reached a certain age, it might be best. But never just yank it away from them.  Your child could wonder why it is being taken away. Wonder if they had done something or become discouraged about the new baby coming. Some children decide to wean themselves, which is a big help to you and you won’t feel so guilty about it. You can choose to do it cold turkey, or slowly wean him/her off. Cold turkey can have some bad results.  Try limiting his/her feeding times to certain hours and gradually as time passes take away more. Your child will quickly stop on his/her own and it won’t be a traumatic event. 

Continuing to Feed
If you do plan on continuing to breastfeed while you are pregnant, talk with your doctor about it. Not all the time will the doctor agree with your decision.  Sometimes he/she may see something in your health that you don’t. Listen carefully and find out if it is a health reason or simply his/her own belief.  If it is the doctors belief, you can always seek out one that agrees with you.  Being pregnant is hard enough at times, knowing you have someone in your corner will only relieve the stress.  Don’t be surprised if your family and friends want to say something about it and they will probably give you all kind of advice on how to stop and what they’ve read. Nicely explain to them it is your decision and you’ll do what you think is best for your children. Try finding a support group in your area so you have someone to vent to or talk about these issues. Check out if there is a La Leche League near you or online that you can join. 

Remember that as long as you take proper care of yourself and your body, you’ll be able to safely breastfeed while pregnant.  

Exercise And Sleeping Better

Exercise And Sleeping Better

The amount of physical exercise that you exert during
the day is one of the key ingredients to helping you
get a good sleep at night.  The more active your
body is during the day, the more likely you are to
relax at night and fall asleep faster.

With regular exercise you'll notice that your quality
of sleep is improved and the transition between the
cycles and phases of sleep will become smoother and
more regular.  By keeping up your physical activity
during the day, you may find it easier to deal with
the stress and worries of your life.

Research and studies indicate that there is a direct
correlation between how much we exercise and how
we feel afterwards.

You should try and increase your physical activity
during the day.  The goal here is to give your body
enough stimulation during the day so that you aren't
full of energy at night.  

Your body requires a certain amount of physical 
activity in order to keep functioning in a healthy
manner.  It is also important to note that you should
not be exercising three or four hours before you go
to bed.

The ideal exercise time is in the late afternoon or
early evening.  You want to make sure you expend
your physical energy long before it is time for 
your body to rest and ready itself for sleep.

You should attempt to exercise at least three or
four times a week for a period of 30 minutes or so.
You can include walking or something simple.  If
you prefer, you can include strenuous activities
such as running as well.

The goal here is to increase your heart rate and
strengthen the capacity of your lungs.  By adding
a regular exercise activity to your daily schedule
will help you to improve your overall health and
help you emotionally as well.  

Along with running and walking there are several
other physical activities that you can add to your
daily life to increase your level of physical
activity.  If you are battling not sleeping, you'll
find aerobic exercise to be the best.

Your goal with exercise is to increase the amount
of oxygen that reaches your blood stream.  Overall,
there are many types of aerobic exercise for you
to choose from.  The activities include running,
biking, using a treadmill, dancing, and jumping

There are some non aerobic exercises that you may
find beneficial to help you solve your amnesia 

Yoga is an exercise that has a stimulatory effect
on your nervous system, especially the brain.  Yoga
utilizes breathing techniques and yoga postures to
increase the blood circulation to the brain, promoting
regular and restful sleeping patterns.  The regular
practice of yoga will help you to relax as well
as relieve tension and stress.

Tai Chi
Tai Chi is an ancient art of breathing and movement
that was developed by the Chinese monks.  The 
movements involved are slow and precise, which is
ideal if you have joint pains or you are unable
to participate in high aerobic exercises.  Research
has shown that Tai Chi can help with insomnia by
promoting relaxation.

If you discover that you don't have any time to 
exercise on a regular basis, you should try to 
sneak moments of activity into your schedule.  
Whenever possible, you should take the stairs instead
of the elevator, as little things like that will
do wonders for your body.

You should also park your car around the corner and
walk that extra block or two to get to your 
destination.  As you may know, there are many small
things you can add to increase the activity in 
your life.  Your overall goal here is to have a
healthy and well balanced life - with plenty of

Junk food

Junk food

Try this, just for the heck of it. Once you’ve started incorporating raw foods into your food plans, keep adding them in and reducing the number of cooked and processed foods from your diet. Especially things like fast food, chips, cookies and snacks.

After you’ve done that for awhile, have a junk food day. If you really miss your junk food, or think you do, then plan for it. Make it truly memorable and junk-worthy.
If we were gambling types, we’d be willing to bet a LOT of money that mid-way through your junk food day, you’ll stop.

Once you’ve started incorporating raw foods into your diet, and getting most of your nutrition from them, and stayed with it for at least a week, junk food is just not going to have the same appeal to you. Because now you’re thinking about what you’re putting into your body. And if you really think about what junk food does to your body, all of a sudden it doesn’t look so good.

You know, it just happens naturally. We’ve started eating more and more raw foods in our home, and haven’t been able to touch things like chicken or a hamburger in ages. First of all, we really feel pretty strongly about not eating animals. But have you ever read the warnings about handling chicken that you’ve bought in the grocery store? Or ground meat? It’s recommended that you wash your counters with BLEACH if you’ve prepared meat on them. Now, do you really want to put something in your body that requires BLEACH to clean the germs from it off of surfaces in your home? Nope, when we see chicken now, all we see is germs. And there’s no flavor to it anyway. So why bother? 

And other junk food we used to love just doesn’t appeal to us any more. Nachos and cheese? Well, the cheese you use is so processed, it’s nothing but corn syrup and processed cheese and fats and chemicals. We can feel our arteries grinding to a halt just looking at it. We don’t even use dips for our vegetables any more. We really do enjoy the taste of vegetables and fruits all by themselves.

Why not processed foods?

Why not processed foods?

Have you ever seen a picture of your blood plasma after you’ve eaten a meal from McDonald’s or Burger King? It’s not a pretty picture. It looks thick and cloudy. Fast foods are loaded with fat and sodium. They use white bread and rolls, which means they’ve used white processed flour, with very few nutrients in them.

And how do you feel after a Big Mac and french fries? You need a nap, don’t you? All that fat will drag you down and make you feel sluggish.

Going on a diet is hard, but think about some of the things you do when you go on a diet. You eliminate those high fat, processed, high-sodium foods. You eat less, true. But you also eat more raw fruits and vegetables. You drink water. And the results of eating this way are increased energy, less need for sleep. Processed foods, with their high fat content are hard to digest. They take an enormous amount of the body’s energy to consume. When your body’s energy isn’t used up digesting all that fat, it’s available for YOU – for work, play, love, exercise – in other words, for LIFE.

These aren’t drastic concepts. You don’t have to make drastic changes in your lifestyle. But take a good look at what you consume without even thinking about it. We reach for the potato chips, or stop at McDonald’s or Taco Bell when we’re hungry and we want something in a hurry.

It’s much easier these days to have snacks on hand so you don’t have to stop at a fast food place when you’re hungry. If you’re on the road a lot, and get hungry, pick up a bag of vegetables or apple slices at a grocery store. Yes, it’s easier to drive up to Wendy’s, but taking a few extra minutes, not to mention a few extra steps, will be well worth it in energy and vitality.

The Importance of Physical Fitness

The Importance of Physical Fitness

One of the simplest and most effective ways to bring down  blood glucose levels, cut the risk of cardiovascular disease, and improve overall health and well-being is physical fitness and exercise. Yet, in our increasingly sedentary world, where almost every essential task can be performed online, from the driver’s seat, or with a phone call, exercising and being physically fit can be tough case to sell.

In reality, everyone should exercise, yet survey shows that only 30% of the United States adult population gets the recommended thirty minutes of daily physical activity, and 25% are not active at all.

Inactivity is thought to be one of the key reasons for the surge of type 2 diabetes in America, because inactivity and obesity promote insulin resistance and other factors that trigger other kinds of diseases.

The good news is that it is never too late to get moving, and exercise is one of the easiest ways to start controlling the onset of any kinds of diseases. For people who are already candidates for some serious diseases like diabetes and heart failure, exercise and physical fitness can improve the condition of some parts of the body like insulin sensitivity, lower the risk of heart disease, and promote weight loss.

In 2003, the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism had published an issue regarding the result of their study and found out that lack of exercise and physical fitness were the key factors behind obesity and other serious diseases like diabetes.

Hence, it is extremely important for a person to stay healthy and be physically fit in order to avoid such illnesses.

Getting Started

The first order of business with any exercise plan, especially if you are a “dyed-in-the-wool” couch potato, is to consult with your health care provider.

If you have cardiac factors, your doctor may want to perform a stress test to establish a safe level of exercise for you.

Certain complications of some diseases will also dictate what type of exercise program you can take on. Activities like weightlifting, jogging, or high-impact aerobics can possibly pose a risk for people with diabetic retinopathy due to the risk for further blood vessel damage and possible “retinal detachment.” 

Health experts also contend that patients with sever peripheral neuropathy or PN should avoid foot-intensive weight-bearing exercises such as long-distance walking, jogging, or step aerobics and opt instead for low-impact activities like swimming, biking, and rowing.

If you have conditions that make exercise and physical fitness a challenge, your provider may refer you to an exercise physiologist who can design a fitness program for your specific needs.

If you are already active in sports or work out regularly, it will still benefit you to discuss your regular routine with your doctor.

The bottom line is that physical fitness and exercise should not have to be a rigid activity and should not come off strong. Your exercise routine can be as simple as a brisk nightly neighborhood walk, walking the dog, or simply taking the stairs instead of the elevator. The important thing is that you keep on moving. Every little bit really helps a lot.

In the end, you will realize that the many things that good food can bring you are equally the same as what physical fitness can do for you.

Color Your Way to Daily Health

Color Your Way to Daily Health 

It’s important that we eat plenty of different fruits and vegetables every day. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health. Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and are filling.

You’ve probably heard about the 5 A Day for Better Health program.  It provides easy ways to add more fruits and vegetables into your daily eating patterns. It’s vital that we eat a wide variety of colorful orange/yellow, red, green, white, and blue/purple vegetables and fruit every day. By eating vegetables and fruit from each color group, you will benefit from the essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that each color group has to offer alone and in combination.

There’s several different yet simple ways to start incorporating vegetables and fruit into your familiar and favorite meals. You can begin your day with 100 percent fruit or vegetable juice, slice bananas or strawberries on top of your cereal, or have a salad with lunch and an apple for an afternoon snack. Include a vegetable with dinner and you already have about 5 cups of fruits and vegetables. You may even try adding a piece of fruit for a snack or an extra vegetable at dinner.

Don’t be afraid to try something new to increase your vegetable and fruit intake. There are so many choices when selecting fruits and vegetables. Kiwifruit, asparagus, and mango may become your new favorite. Keep things fresh and interesting by combining fruits and vegetables of different flavors and colors, like red grapes with pineapple chunks, or cucumbers and red peppers.

Get in the habit of keeping fruits and vegetables visible and easily accessible – you’ll tend to eat them more. Store cut and cleaned produce at eye-level in the refrigerator, or keep a big colorful bowl of fruit on the table. 

Unstoppable - Motivational Video

Unstoppable - Motivational Video

Great motivational video 

Exercise And Stress

Exercise And Stress

Even though exercise may not be the most exciting
word in your vocabulary, it sure is a word with a 
lot of benefits.  Participating in daily exercise
will not only make you healthier in general, but
it can also diminish the effects of stress on your
body as well.

Think about all the times you have heard someone
say "the doctor says it's stress related".  Normally
people will laugh it off, concluding that doctors 
say that when they don't know the real answers or
diagnosis.  The truth of the matter is that too
much stress will play a role in many diseases.

To help increase your immune system and decrease 
your stress level as well, try exercise, as movement
is the key word here.  Bending, stretching, reaching
and walking.  There's really no need to buy any
expensive equipment either, as you can implement
more movement into your daily routine and reap
the benefits.

If you like aerobic exercise, you should grab a
partner and have a blast with one of the basic
aerobic videos.  Or, you can simply go out for a 
walk and enjoy spending time together.  As you
may have heard, walking really is the best overall
exercise you can do for your health.  As long as
you have a pair of walking shoes, you'll be

As you go through your daily activities, make it
a point to walk a little farther, bend down and
pick something up without using a pick up stick
or moving the item towards you with your foot.  
While you are sitting, you should also do some
simple and quick stretches for your neck and 

If you enjoy sitting around watching television,
you should consider buying a jogging board.  
These padded boards will make running, jumping,
or walking in place less stressful on your knees
and joints.  They are easy to store as well and
also very portable.

In many people's opinions, jogging boards are
the best pieces of equipment you can buy.  They
are also far cheaper than bulky treadmills and
stationary bikes.

There are several different exercises that you
can do to help you eliminate the stress in 
your life.  Walking is by far the best, as you
can easily lose yourself and your troubles by
walking.  Even if it is just around the block,
walking can do wonders for your health as well
as stress.

If you have a lot of stress in your life, you
may want to consider a gym.  Working out then
sitting in the sauna is also a good way to
relieve tension.  If your gym has a pool, you
may find swimming to be very beneficial as well,
as it helps you to relax.

Smart move for Smart Phone Users R.A.M.P. for Neck Pain.

Smart move for Smart Phone Users
R.A.M.P. for Neck Pain.

Do you suffer from rounded shoulders, neck pain, mid and lower back discomfort and in some extreme cases, numbness in the hands? You are not alone. These are some of the symptoms that may arise from continuous extended periods of smart phone or hand held devices usage. Without corrective exercises this may lead to kyphosis: an excessive rounding of shoulders that arises from repeatedly leaning forward, gazing down at the screen and holding the device in your hand in a supine position (facing up). I usually describe “kyphosis” by drawing the image of the character from the Simpsons “Mr. Burns”.

Take a look around and you will see many smart phone users with the “Mr. Burns” syndrome.
Rest: Avoid 30 minutes or more of continuously looking down at your device.
Awareness: Be mindful of any neck, mid or lower back pain. This is a signal to rest and/or to do some corrective exercises.
Posture: Sit up straight! Consider getting a posture pa a friend who will tell you when you are slouching.

Stand tall and laterally extend your arm to side at shoulder height. Look straight and set your palm position as if you are holding up a wall. Hold for 10 seconds. Next, flex the wrist down palm facing you. Hold for 10 seconds. Lastly, have your palm facing the wall upside down, finger tips facing the floor- keep flexed for 10 seconds.

Exhale while doing each movement, keep your arms relaxed and by your side and hold each position for 10 seconds.
Arms extended out in front of you with palms facing up. Slowly, extend through your finger tips and open up the chest by bringing the arms back as if the thumbs are going to touch the wall behind you.
Second movement, arms extended out in front of you with palms together. Slowly, extend your right arm diagonally upward and the left arm diagonally downward. Palms should be opposites.
Hold for 10 seconds.

18 ways to be more positive at work

18 ways to be more positive at work infographic 

click on picture to see the full size

Back Pain and Tendons

Back Pain and Tendons 

The skeletal muscles supplies us movement, which is supported by the posture. Our muscles will shorten, tighten, contract, and promote mobility. The muscles join with bones that attach to the tendons. Once the muscles begin contracting, the muscles are stimulated and join the fibers through our motor neuron cells. The nerves makeup axon, body of cells, dendrites, etc, and these elements transmit impulses to the nerves, sending the impulses to the major components of our system, such as Central Nerve System. The network joins with cells, fibers, muscles, etc, and conveys messages, transmitting them through sensations that stop at the brain. The brain transmits signals that are sent from motor impulses and carries onto the organs and muscles. Collagen is produced from the muscle fibers, which the tendons surround the fibers via the softer tissues. (Paratenon) 

Injuries in this area occur when a person suddenly stretches, or overexerts the tendons. The back muscles in the leg make up the gluteus medius, (Hamstrings) biceps femoris, (Hamstrings), gluteus maximus, iliotibial tract, Sartorius, adductor Magnus, gastrocemius, semitendinosus, and the soleus. In this area, the muscles can be completely ruptured, or incompletely ruptured. The soleus, tibia, fibula, Achilles, etc, is the areas that are usually strained, or ruptured. The pain can caused from the injury can also affect the back. Since the legs are limited, as well as the tendons, muscles, etc, mobility is limited, which restricts muscle movement. This means that muscles are not exerting daily on the level it requires to function properly. Tendons operate akin to the ligaments. 

Ligaments are vigorous bands that mingle with threads of collagen fiber. The fiber connects to the bones. The fiber bands and bones connect and encircle the joints. We get our strength from these joints. Tendons are ligaments and muscles respectively, since tendons join with the muscles, which make up connective proteins and/or collagen. Tendons make up fiber proteins. The protein fibers are created in the cartilages, bones, skin, tendons, and interrelated connective tissues. Tendons are affected when various conditions interrupt its actions, including simple tendonitis, and peritendinitis. 

Tendons are also interrupted when spinal or neck injuries occur. Neck injuries include whiplash, which many people believe is a head injury. Contrary to their notions, whiplash is a neck injury usually caused from rear-ends motorized collisions. Whiplash is neck damage, which can cause disjointed, fractures, ruptured spines, etc. Whiplash can lead to edema, hemorrhaging, and so forth. The problem causes pain around the neck and shoulders, but extends to the back. Whiplash can also depress the nerves, which leads to linear and/or comminuted difficulties. Comminuted difficulties arise from bone damage. 

Spinal injuries often occur during falls, slips, inappropriate movement, muscle exertion, automobile accidents, trauma, and so on. In fact, the coccyx lies at the bed of the second spinal column. Damage to this baby can lead to serious problems, which the coccyx is non-supported. The coccyx creates the fused bones. The fused bones reside at the baseline of the spinal columns. The bones in summary are the tailbone. 

The coccyx is at greater risk than any other element within the skeletal structure, since the coccyx can break easily from falls, thus leading to coccygodynia. Coccygodynia is a condition of the spinal that can create damning pain. Back injuries and injuries to the neck can affect the airway, breathing, and blood circulation. Some injuries require resuscitation. 

Resuscitation is the process of clearing the airway. The act is performed by smoothly tilting the head back and lifting the chin. The tongue is pulled clear so that air can travel to the lungs. If neck injuries are present, you want to take extra precautions if resuscitation is necessary. Once you clear the airway use your ear, placing it over the mouth and listen for breathing. You can also put the hand over the mouth to feel breathe. If you cannot get results after testing for breathing, you will need to test the carotid pulses located in the neck to check for circulation.